Are you suffering from painful verruca’s that just won’t leave? Have you tried lots of over the counter treatments that promised “verruca free skin” but were rewarded with little or no results and has just left you even more disappointed than before? If you’ve answered yes to any of the above questions, then keep on reading…
Let’s look at some shocking statistics that reveal what verrucae sufferers have to deal with when it comes to trying to ‘cure’ their verrucae. See if you fit into any of them:-
Are you suffering from painful verruca’s that just won’t leave? Have you tried lots of over the counter treatments that promised “verruca free skin” but were rewarded with little or no results and has just left you even more disappointed than before? If you’ve answered yes to any of the above questions, then keep on reading…
Let’s look at some shocking statistics reveal what verrucae sufferers have to deal with when it comes to trying to ‘cure’ their verrucae. See if you fit into any of them:-
⚠️ “73% of verruca sufferers report on trying more than 3 treatments that had little results on getting rid of their verruca”
⚠️”65% of verruca sufferers report on treatments damaging the healthy skin around the affected area”
⚠️ “69% of adults and children will have a re-occurrence of a verruca within the first 3 years of getting their first verruca”
‘Hear Francesca’s experience with Swift’
‘Listen to Catherine’s experience with Swift’
Online review – ‘Georgi Sotirov’
“I’ve had a verruca on my right foot for about 6 years now and have tried all of the ‘over the counter’ boxes like the freeze spray and the gel. It nothing was working. I tried using the vinegar and putting tape over it but it just seemed to get blacker and more painful so I gave in and went to the doctors… I have just finished my treatment with silver nitrate and the verruca is STILL HERE! “
The Treatment & Technology

With treatment times in seconds, Swift provides a precise and easy way of treating verrucae and other benign skin lesions.
- Breakthrough Treatment – the same technology that has been used in the fight against cancer since the 1970s has been brought to the fields of Podiatry & Dermatology in this pioneering treatment. Find out more about the safe use of microwaves in medicine
- Quick treatments – your Swift treatment will last no longer than a few short seconds
- Clean treatments – no smoke, no smell, there is not normally any requirement for anesthetic nor do patients usually require post-procedural dressings
Infected tissue can exist several millimeters below the surface and can often be difficult to treat using traditional methods, resulting in either untreated tissue or leaving the potential for excess damage to healthy tissue.
Swift delivers a precise, highly controlled energy dose. As microwaves travel into the tissue, water molecules begin colliding and creating localised heat energy – quickly destroying all infected tissue within a predetermined depth.
In just seconds the treatment is complete and the healing cascade begins immediately. Treated tissue is quickly replaced, repaired, and regenerated.
What is Swift?
Swift is a new technology, developed in the UK, which has been licensed for the general treatment of skin lesions in Podiatry and Dermatology. Swift uses microwave energy which is delivered through a special probe applied to the skin to treat the affected tissue.
Does it hurt?
Like many treatments for skin lesions, some minor discomfort may be experienced. Before treatment, we may decide to reduce the lesion or use numbing cream. Pain levels vary from person to person but most people undergoing Swift liken it to a pain similar to an injection or a scratch, lasting 2 – 3 seconds then quickly subsiding.
Is Swift Treatment Suitable for Children?
We recommend coming in for a consultation as each individual child is different. If your child has been experiencing ongoing pain from the verruca and it’s getting worse, this treatment may (or may not) be a good solution for them. Please fill out the form below and Nigel will directly get back to you to discuss further.
What Can I Do After the Treatment?
In some cases, the treated area may feel sore but will not prevent you from undertaking normal daily activities.
How Many Treatments Will I Need?
This is dependent on how you respond to treatment, but a normal course of treatment is 3 sessions spaced 2-3 weeks apart should be sufficient.
*In some cases, you may need more than three treatments but this is rare.
Can Anyone Get This Treatment?
With a few exceptions, most people with skin lesions would be able to have this treatment. We will carry out an assessment prior to treatment and will be able to advise you accordingly.
How Many Verrucas Can You Treat in One Session?
We treat all affected areas on both feet during each treatment session.
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To Book A Consultation, contact us here!